Original Guideline of Ryu Kyu Kenpo Karate-Do
Through the eyes and as recorded by Grand Master Ichikawa Sosui in Japanese translated to English with no correction.
What is Karate?
This is an art of training and getting yourself ready to win every fight in normal times. And when time comes. Defending yourself without being armed at all, virtually the basic principle is to defeat your enemy using your own body in most cases.
However it is also the case sometimes that you use weapons dependant on the time and situation. many people wrongly think karate is represented by smashing layers inch boards with the fist, but this is only part of the training and of little importance.
The essence of Karate do is far more than that. It is something universal as a general budo way of martial arts. As this should be transmitted in the ultimate way by communion of mind to mind, but not in any other way.
The below is the outline of the history of our Karate do and guideline of the teaching methods.
Theory of Oshima Memo
In Horeki 12 (1762) when a tribute ship sailed from Ryukyu, sailed to Kagashima (as a gift to Shimanzu clan). It got caught in a storm and drifted down to Oshima. Tosa province. Among the ship crew there was a very knowledgeable old samurai. Shihira Baikin Morinnari. His talk was dictated and written down and the writing was called. Oshima Hikki memo. In the volume three of miscellaneous talks, it says that Kusanku came to Okinawa as master of Kenpo, accompanied by several disciples from Tang dynasty.
It was not called karate those days, but kumiai-jutsu arts of hand-to-hand fighting. This is the most conclusive record left regarding toude.
The world of Karate in the past.
How and when the specific name karate came? Into use in Ryu is also not know exactly. However, it is true that the origin is relatively new. In ancient times it was commonly called hand. Those days karate i.e. te was often trained covertly and some ‘kata’ were only transmitted from the master to the best disciple. If there was no one good enough for that, the master would not transmit those arts to anyone but let them die out with his generation.
Consequently, there were a lot of arts that were not transmitted as late as the middle of Meiji period.
Some masters on this path appeared and brought in some teaching policies. That fit in with the times.
As a result, the conventional principle of concealment disappeared. and moved toward disclosure. It became approved widely in the Society and those masters came to more attention.
Since then, along with the fast evolution of culture, the practical value of karate was getting more approved and karate was employed as a subject of physical education, which led to the complete establishment of its reputation in Society.
Features of karate.
The major benefits of Karate are as follows:
- A large space is not required.
- You can train by yourself.
- You can train in an appropriate style according to your physical strength. Whether male or female or old or young.
- It does not require a lot of time.
- It does not require a lot of money but only uses simple tools to practice effectively.
- it should be significantly effective to enhance your health. It is proved by the fact that so many. Elderly karate practitioners exist.
To be followed by deep breathing and rest.
Practice of Kumite
In. Queue might those offensive and defensive techniques integrated in Hirakigata open style should be applied and practised freely out of kata are by two people based on proper understanding of the techniques. This has to be conducted thoroughly and close to a real fight with true budo spirits.
In summary, you should conduct your physical and mental functions through the basic kata: Sanchin, Tensho and Naifanchi, then complete your performance.
Teaching method of Karate.
Generally, people have different tastes and preferences according to their standings and also have different. Ways of developing muscles according to their usage.
Therefore, preliminary warming up exercises should be done first of all to get muscles prepared for the movements of karate, then go to basic kata, supplementary exercises. kaishu openhand style and kumite practise.
Warming up exercises
exercise every part of the body (details are not mentioned here) to make muscles flexible and develop its strength and endurance. then introduce Sanchin, Tensho and Naifanchi, which are basic kata of Karate. Make sure that trainees understand these kata. Although these exercises should be done after practising, every cat are for cooling down and tuning up muscles. through practising. Kaishugata open hand kara and kumite, where you can learn about a real fight through competition and establish your budo spirits. above is the outline of our Karate-do.
Importance of karate.
Although Karate is a special art developed in Ryukyu, The origin is way farther than that, but from ancient Shina (China). Kenpo. To look into the origin or homeland of Sheena Kenpo. There is little documentation left, so almost nothing verified. However, according to one theory. It originated along with an ancient culture in. Central Asia or around Turkey and became spread to India and China.
Yet some people say that Gina Kenpo originated as early as about 5000 years ago in the reign of the Yellow Emperor. Who established prosperous culture in the Yellow River area?
It is not hard to imagine it rose already in ancient times, combined with the human initiate combative Spirit. One example, the ancient schools of Shina Kenpo were created to reflect fighting of beasts and birds. This can be proved apparently, by the fact that there are some schools, such as Tiger Way. Lion Way. Monkey Way. Dog Way and Crane way. In later ages, Sheena Kenpo was divided into 2. Southern and Northern Schools, each of which were divided into naika ‘Internal’ Kenpo, an gaika ‘external’ kenpo.
Naika ‘Internal’ Kenpo is characterised by being flexible and defence against the enemy and the typical style became Buto Kenpo
Gaika ‘external’ kenpo in being rigid and the method to defeat the opponent.
The most typical example is shaolinquan, originated. In Mount song. Henan province.
In the dynasties of Tang and Song, a lot of famous. Martial artists successively appeared in the Shina Kenpo reached the height of its prosperity.1. The family name Sanroko – The theory of being imported.
In the year, Hongwu 25, during Ming dynasty, Hongsouganchu 9 1392 When 36 families from the Min Kingdom came to Okinawa It came along with them.
Theory of being imported after Keicho period (1596-1615)
One theory says in Kencho 14, Shimazu Clan Implemented a very tyrant policy of disarmament, which naturally gave birth to the art of karate. While other theories say it was not created but imported.
However, From objective consideration of the situation at the time. It should be more reasonable to think that it had brought from aboard and then developed further in a unique way as a foreign kenpo.
As explained above. Although there is no verified theory to believe in detail, it is presumed a huge amount of endeavour and ingenuity must have been invested for generations to establish it as it is today.
The schools of Karate.
Although there are various different theories regarding the schools of Karate in Ryukyu these days, no one has well-grounded but they are mere vague conjectures almost like groping blindly in the dark.
One widely spread theory, karate is classified in shoring-ru and shoreiryu. the only one school that can be believed is the school inherited from Fujian of China. In Bunsei 11 (Quing dynasty Daoguang 8) and established through generations of training, Gojuryu karate kenpo. the people of this school have reserved the authenticity of the tradition until now.
Basic Kata.
Sanchin, Tensho and Naifanchi Are all basic kata and purposed to make specific postures (Details are not mentioned here) Coordinating exhaling/inhaling with putting muscles/relaxing., and to establish the body and the spirit of Budo.
Supplementary exercise.
These are intended to help learning and mastering the open kata. The exercises feature movements focusing on each part of the body. To enhance the capabilities of the whole body as well as each part of the body, various tools should be used for these exercises. There are 20 to 30 exercises in this category at present and they have a wide variety of names and movements dependant on the creator.
Typically, in each kata, various offensive and defensive techniques are coordinated and integrated in an appropriate way. So that it includes various movements from a multiple number of techniques that function as physical exercises. Therefore, these exercises help you affectively convert your chi and physical abilities into movements an learn the principle of Toki releasing and musubi engaging.
Karate-do in the future.
These days, when the art of karate was discreetly transmitted are gone and it is time to practise and develop karate openly and publicly.
Thus, the future of this path is further prospecting. This has made it happen, that while karate has been secretly transmitted in the land of Ryukyu as it was a secret art, the truth of this path is now presented widely to the world, so that more evaluation and research from masters of all kinds of budo Is invited. Also, since the development of protective gear, which has been addressed for many years, it is not completed. We feel strong and need to create a new path that will enable to have as many opportunities of competitions as other martial arts do. To achieve integration into the spirits of Japanese budo.